hey it’s 2011!

Welcome to my first blog entry of 2011. I feel like I blinked and 2010 was over.

At the beginning of every new year it’s common for everyone to make resolutions and goals so I sat down last night and made my own list and I found that thinking about where I wanted to be in my business and my personal life made me really think about this past year and all the great things and challenges I had that got me to this point. One of the things on my list was to blog more. Not just about each shoot that I do, but about my life and tips and tricks and all sorts of other things (shout out to Jasmine Star for her inspiration on this one).

So why not start now?

Here are some my most memorable moment of 2010 (good and bad in no particular order):

– My sister’s wedding in May 🙂 Trying to be the photographer and the maid of honor… thank god I only have one sister

(I swear I don’t drink at weddings I shoot, but I couldn’t resist the photo op of me with camera and beer in a bridesmaids dress 🙂

– Driving back from Birmingham with my mom driving a U-haul in the pouring down rain and stopping somewhere in the middle of nothingness for one of the best greasy omelettes of my life

–  Ashley and Tyler’s wedding in Bloomington when the power went at the resort and there was no sound for the ceremony, no dj and no way to make dinner….. and then we got one of the biggest storms of the summer that evening…. thanks mother nature

(and did I mention is was about 200 degrees…. note what a hot sweaty mess I was)


– Indy 500 (which is memorable every year) when I got separated from everyone but managed to find them since we always sit “next to the turkey leg stand in turn 3”

– My first double wedding weekend  with Christy and Jason on Friday and Matt and Michelle on Saturday….. and by Sunday I couldn’t walk but they were both awesome  weddings

– Conquering my fear of the Navy Pier Farris Wheel in Chicago, which turns out isn’t really that high, but when I rode back in high school I could have sworn it was about 3429830 miles high! Thanks to Chris for joining me and putting up with me freaking out before I got on.

Proof that I made it to the top 🙂



– Finishing the Monumental Mini- Marathon …. and by finishing I mean hobbling across the line with Chris dragging me. Worst I’ve ever felt in a race, but was also a wakeup call that I was super out of shape. And then I joined the gym and have been working out with a trainer for the first time ever who kicks my butt twice a week  and is the reason I could straighten my arms without crying for a solid week…. thanks Rob…

– picking bluberries with Anya on our way to a wedding in Michigan 🙂 such a random stop. I had no idea how relaxing that could be or how delicious fresh bluberries really are!

– Getting slapped on the butt by a drunk groomsmen before the wedding even started (not going to say which wedding this was!)

– Brown Family Fun Day  aka Christmas Eve…. mom had me laughing so hard during Taboo I was in tears

– WPPI Roadtrip in Chicago – met some amazing other Indy photogs and some great speakers that made me really think about my business.

– My cousin Ron’s wedding in NYC. Not only did I get to see my family and randomly end up on the same flight as my aunt and uncle I got to capture Ron and Renata’s day and spent a couple days with my friends in the city.

Times Square – about 2 blocks from where the wedding was held


– Lindsey and Brad’s wedding …. weird to be in the wedding not shooting it, but so glad to be a part of their day.

– really all my 2010 weddings and sessions … I’m so lucky to do what I do. They year wouldn’t have been the same without Doug and the Love Bus, breakaway IU pants, Scottish bagpipers, Boyz to Men serenades, trips to Chicago, Minneapolis, Nashville and New York all the same month, hours of editing and watching It’s Always Sunny, my wonderful assistants Allie and Heather, my bi-weekly trips home for Cummins shoots and dinner with Mom and Dad, cheese plates at the Fork and Sunday football with beer and wings… even if I did have to watch all the Bears games this year 😉

I could have listed a million more, but I’ll spare you all. Here’s hoping I keep up my blogging goal for 2011….

Thank you to everyone for an amazing 2010!



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